

  • The general public approach Members of Parliament (MPs) for provision of certain basic facilities to meet the felt needs of the people.
  • On 23rd December 1993 Prime Minister had announced the Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) in the Parliament. Initially the MPLADS was under the control of the Ministry of Rural Development. The 1st Guidelines were issued in February 1994, covering the concept, implementation and monitoring of the Scheme. The MPLAD Scheme was transferred to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation in October 1994. The Guidelines were subsequently revised in December 1994, February 1997, September 1999, April 2002, November 2005 and lastly in August 2012. The present comprehensive revision of guidelines is based on the experience gained over 18 years and having considered the suggestions made by the various stakeholders including Members of Parliament, both the Committees of the Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha, NABARD consultancy services (NABCONS) and Comptroller and Auditor General of India in its Reports.
  • The objective of the scheme is to enable MPs to recommend works of developmental nature with emphasis on the creation of durable community assets based on the locally felt needs to be taken up in their Constituencies. Right from inception of the Scheme, durable assets of national priorities viz. drinking water, primary education, public health, sanitation and roads, etc. are being created.
  • In 1993-94, when the Scheme was launched, an amount of Rs. 5 lakh per Member of Parliament was allotted which became Rupees one crore per annum per MP constituency from 1994-95. This was stepped up to Rs. 2 crore from 1998-99 and now it has been increased to Rs.5 crore from the financial year 2011-12.
  • The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has been responsible for the policy formulation, release of funds and prescribing monitoring mechanism for implementation of the Scheme. A Department each in State/UTs is designated as the Nodal Department with the overall responsibility of supervision, monitoring and coordination of the MPLADS implementation with the districts and other Line Departments. The Government of India informs the State Nodal Department about the MPLADS funds released to the District Authorities. The District Authorities report the status of MPLADS implementation to the Government of India and State Nodal Department.  Read More (PDF 1.61 kb)
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