Roles and responsibilities of Revenue Officer (AD -I)
- Supervision of all the works of Revenue Section.
- Approve mutation cases at Level IV
- Disposal of Minor Disputes.
- Approves other Miscellaneous and issuance of Certificates.
Roles & Responsibilities of Revenue Officer (AD -II)
- Supervision of all land related matters.
- Approving authority of mutations cases, Level III
- Signing authority in all the Certificates.
- APIO under RTI.
- Dealing all legal matters, disputes and court cases.
- Supervision of N.C. related matters.
Roles & Responsibilities Head Surveyor
- Supervision of all the works related to land matters.
- Checking and approving authority of mutations at Level II.
- Verification of land dispute cases.
- Checking of papers and procedure in the file forwarded by subordinates.
Roles & Responsibilities Revenue Supervisor
- Roles and functions of Revenue Supervisors is to collect land rent, survey and demarcation of land in case of sale, Mortgage, lease, dispute, acquisition etc. verification of natural calamities and encroachments.
- Following certificates are being issued from Revenue Section beside mutation, correction of land records.
- Search – Application, parcha copy, COI copy Rs. 200 B.R.
- Non Encumbrance – Application, parcha copy, COI, Rs. 50 B.R
- No landed property – Application, Amin report, COI, voter ID Rs. 50 B.R
- Property Certificate/valuation– Application, parcha, Rs. 50 B.R
- Ownership Certificate – Application, Parcha copy, COI, Rs. 50 B.R
- No dues of land rent – Application parcha, land rent, receipt
- Parcha & Map – Application, Parcha for Rs. 50 B.R
Flow Chart ( Computerized Mutation)
- Level – I – R.S./A.R.S ( Data entry)
- Level – II – S.I./ H.S( Document Checking)
- Level – III – R.O( Mutations approval
- Level – IV – S.D.M/A.D.C (Correction)
Required documents for mutation on inheritance
- Application signed by all the share holders
- B.R. of Rs. 300/- for Amin fee
- Death Certificate of land owner.
- SSC/COI of Applicants
- Amin Report
- Family NOC
- Affidavit
- B.R or mutation fee
- Panchayat report
- Original Parcha
- Application
- Copy of Sale Deed (attested)
- Rs. 50 B.R
- Original Parcha of Seller
Issuing Parcha
- The RS at Level -1 shall be the first point of contact for the issue of Parcha
- The applicant shall fill up the prescribed format and submit to the RS with the following enclosures:
Attested copy of COI/SSC/ICC/Voter ID Card of applicant
FIR filed with the Police for the loss of Original parcha
Bank Receipt
- On receipt of all the above documents, the RS shall verify the papers. Then the RS shall fill up the particulars of the application in the Receipt Register serially and mark the serial no upon date on the application form.
- The RS shall then proceed to print the Parcha based on the Khatiyan Number at the given Block and Revenue Circle and put up to the HS along with all the supporting documents.
- The HS shall thoroughly check the documents submitted and after satisfying that all the papers are in order shall sign the Parcha, and send them to the RO.
- The RO shall similarly check the papers and if found in order shall sign the Parcha and send it back to the RS
- The RS shall hand over the Parcha to the applicant and take proper receipts of the applicant in the Receipt Register.
- The RS shall then compile all the papers and the Office Copy of the Parcha, staple them and maintain them in a file serially.
- The Parchas issued shall be reconciled daily with the Receipt Register. The Receipt Register along with a summary of Total Parchas issued for the week shall be put up to the RO for countersignature at the end of the week.
- At the end of the month, the Receipt Register shall be placed before the DC along with a summary of Total Parchas issued for the month, for his counter-signature. All such Parchas shall then be bundled together and kept in the Store Room with proper labeling. The dealing RS shall be fully responsible for the safe upkeep of the Receipt Register and the process papers for future reference.
Mutation on Inheritance
- The RO shall be the first point of contact for Mutation on Inheritance
- The applicant shall fill up the prescribed format and submit to the RO with the following enclosures:
Attested copy of Proof of Death of the land owner (Death Certificate/Panchayat Recommendation/Councilor Recommendation)
Attested copy of the Parcha of the land to be mutated
Attested copy of COI/SSC/ICC of applicants
Attested copy of Partition Deed (Optional)
Spot Inspection Report
- On receipt of all the above documents, the RO shall verify the papers. In case the Spot Inspection hasn’t been carried out already, the RO shall advise the applicants to apply for a Spot Inspection Report on payment of necessary Survey Fees. The Spot Inspection Report shall clearly specify the individual share of land of each of the inheritors (applicants) along with the demarcation of the boundary and map showing their individual share. On receipt of the Spot Inspection Report, the RO shall mark the papers to the RS at Level -1.
- The RS at Level-1 shall then proceed to enter the data in the SLRC Software and forward the case to the JD at Level-3 along with the application and supporting documents, seeking approval for issue of Notice.
- The JD at Level-3 shall thoroughly verify the documents presented before him and after fully satisfying that the Mutation on Inheritance is permissible within the existing laws of the land shall approve the issue of Notice and send the file back to Level-1.
- Upon the approval of the JD to issue Notice, the RS at Level-1 shall then print out the required number of Notices. The Notices for the following persons/authorities can be handed over to the applicants:
Ward Panchayat (Notice to be given along with a Format for Recommendation)
Boundary Holders
DFO/Territorial (When the land being mutated share a boundary with Forest area)
- The RS shall then compile all the relevant papers and place them in a file serially. The RS shall be responsible for the safe custody of all the papers submitted by the applicants. The Notices issued shall be recorded in a Notice Register serially and the Sl.No. upon the date issued shall be marked on the Office Copy of the Notice. The Register shall be closed daily after compiling and filing the Notices issued for the day serially.
- On the expiry of one month, the applicants would turn up for Mutation with the following documents normally:
Recommendation of Ward Panchayat in the prescribed format
NOC from Boundary Holders
NOC from DFO/Territorial (When the land being mutated share a boundary with Forest area)
- The applicants shall submit the Bank Receipt for the Mutation Fees as prescribed by Government from time to time. The applicants shall also submit the Original parcha of the land being mutated along with an affidavit.
- The RS at Level-1 shall retrieve the concerned file of the applicants, verify the NOCs/Recommendations obtained and the Bank Receipt submitted. As per the Sikkim Succession Act, 2008, wherever there is no Will left behind by the land owner, the wife, sons (including minors) and unmarried daughters (including minors) would be eligible for an equal share in the property left behind by the land owner. In case the property is being shared only among the sons, then the NOC of the Wife and unmarried daughters of the land owner, counter-signed by the Ward Panchayat, is mandatory, as per Act. If a son/unmarried daughter is a minor, then he/she shall also be given an equal share of the property or the partition of property shall be done only after the minor attains majority.
- If everything is found in order, the RS at Level-1 shall then forward the case along with all the relevant papers to the HS at Level-2 for approval. The HS shall verify the papers and if found in order shall send it to the JD at Level-3 for approval of the mutation.
- The JD at Level-3 shall once again thoroughly verify the papers submitted and if satisfied that all the formalities have been completed shall approve the Mutation in the computer as well as in the file and send it back to the RS at Level-1.
- Upon receipt of the approval of the JD, the RS at Level-1 shall print the Mutation Orders and shall once again put up the papers to the JD for approval of the Updation in the Computer and for signing the Mutation Orders.
- The JD shall sign the Mutation Orders and also approve the Updation in the computer and send it back to the RS at Level-1, who shall, thereafter, print the Parchas for the individual applicants.
- The Printed Parcha shall be handed over to the applicants after obtaining their signature in the Receipt Register as a proof of receipt.
- All the papers shall then be compiled, stapled and filed properly and serially.
- The RS shall reconcile the compiled papers on a daily basis with the Receipt Register and if there is any discrepancy shall bring it to the notice of the RO immediately. The Receipt Register shall be closed daily and submitted to the RO for counter-signature at the end of the week along with a summary of Total Mutations carried out during the week. At the end of the month, it shall be submitted to the DC for counter-signature, along with a summary of Total Mutations carried out during the month. All such papers shall then be bundled together and kept in the Store Room with proper labeling. The dealing RS shall be fully responsible for the safe upkeep of the Receipt Register and the process papers for future reference
No Landed Property Certificate
- The RS shall be the first point of contact for No Landed Property Certificate
- The applicant shall fill up the prescribed format and submit to the RS with the following enclosures:
Attested copy of SSC/COI/ICC/Voters Card
Affidavit in Standard Format
Bank Receipt
- On receipt of all the above documents, the RS shall fill up the particulars of the application in the Receipt Register serially and mark the serial number upon date on the application form.
He shall then verify from the SLRC Software as to whether the applicant has landed property in any of the Blocks of the Sub-Division. If the applicant has even a small piece of land in rural or urban area recorded in his name, he shall not be eligible for obtaining this certificate. Therefore the RS shall thoroughly check this aspect before putting up the case to the RO.
- After thorough verification, if the RS finds that there is no land recorded in the name of the applicant anywhere within Sub-Division, he shall fill up the Certificate accordingly and put up to the RO for approval and signature.
- The RO on receipt of the papers from RS, shall scrutinize the noting of the RS and if found satisfactory, may approve the issue of No Landed Property Certificate in the name of the applicant and also sign the Certificate. The Certificate issued shall clearly mention the name of the Sub-Division within which the applicant does not possesses land. For example, if the applicant doesn’t possesses land within Gangtok Sub-Division, the Certificate shall also state that the applicant has no landed property within Gangtok Sub-Division, instead of stating that the applicant has no landed property anywhere in East Sikkim.
- The RS shall hand over the Certificate to the applicant and take proper receipts of the applicant in the Receipt Register.
- The RS shall then compile all the papers and the Office Copy of the No Landed Property Certificate, staple them and maintain them in a file serially.
- The Certificates issued shall be reconciled daily with the Receipt Register. The Receipt Register along with a summary of Total Certificates issued for the week shall be put up to the JD for countersignature at the end of the week.
- At the end of the month, the Receipt Register shall be placed before the DC along with a summary of Total Certificates issued for the month, for his counter-signature. All such Certificates shall then be bundled together and kept in the Store Room with proper labeling. The dealing RS shall be fully responsible for the safe upkeep of the Receipt Register and the process papers for future reference.
No Encumbrance Certificate
- The RS shall be the first point of contact for No Encumbrance Certificate
- The applicant shall fill up the prescribed format and submit to the RS with the following enclosures:
Original parcha
Bank Receipt
- On receipt of all the above documents, the RS shall fill up the particulars of the application in the Receipt Register serially and mark the serial number upon date on the application form.
He shall then verify from the SLRC Software as to whether there is any encumbrance recorded in the Remarks Column of the Land Records in respect of the land for which the Certificate is applied for. Encumbrance includes Mortgage, Lease, Charge, Possession (Kabja), etc. The RS shall also compare the Original Parcha submitted by the applicant with the Land Records and see whether there is any discrepancy. Normally, the Original Parcha should tally with the Land Records. If there is any discrepancy, the same shall be brought to the notice of the RO immediately.
- After thorough verification, if the RS finds that there is no encumbrance recorded in respect of the land for which the Certificate is applied for, he shall fill up the Certificate accordingly and put up to the RO for approval and signature, along with his noting on the matter.
- The RO on receipt of the papers from RS, shall scrutinize the noting of the RS and if found satisfactory, may approve the issue of No Encumbrance Certificate and also sign the Certificate.
The RS shall hand over the Certificate to the applicant and take proper receipts of the applicant in the Receipt Register.
- The RS shall then compile all the papers and the Office Copy of the No Encumbrance Certificate, staple them and maintain them in a file serially.
- The Certificates issued shall be reconciled daily with the Receipt Register. The Receipt Register along with a summary of Total Certificates issued for the week shall be put up to the JD for countersignature at the end of the week.
- At the end of the month, the Receipt Register shall be placed before the DC along with a summary of Total Certificates issued for the month, for his counter-signature. All such Certificates shall then be bundled together and kept in the Store Room with proper labeling. The dealing RS shall be fully responsible for the safe upkeep of the Receipt Register and the process papers for future reference.
Property Valuation Certificate
- The RS shall be the first point of contact for Property Valuation Certificate
- The applicant shall fill up the prescribed format and submit to the RS with the following enclosures:
Attested copy of parcha
Bank Receipt
- On receipt of all the above documents, the RS shall fill up the particulars of the application in the Receipt Register serially and mark the serial number upon date on the application form. He shall also inform the applicant that the Valuation would be based on the Government Notified Rate and it would not be the Market Rate of the land.
- He shall then assess the value of the land based upon the category of the land and as per the latest Notification of the Government on Circle Rates. He shall fill up the Certificate and put up to the RO along with his noting on the matter.
- The RO on receipt of the papers from RS, shall scrutinize the noting of the RS and if found satisfactory, may approve the issue of the Property Valuation Certificate and also sign the Certificate.
- The RS shall hand over the Certificate to the applicant and take proper receipts of the applicant in the Receipt Register.
- The RS shall then compile all the papers and the Office Copy of the Property Valuation Certificate, staple them and maintain them in a file serially.
The Certificates issued shall be reconciled daily with the Receipt Register. The Receipt Register along with a summary of Total Certificates issued for the week shall be put up to the JD for countersignature at the end of the week.
- At the end of the month, the Receipt Register shall be placed before the DC along with a summary of Total Certificates issued for the month, for his counter-signature. All such Certificates shall then be bundled together and kept in the Store Room with proper labeling. The dealing RS shall be fully responsible for the safe upkeep of the Receipt Register and the process papers for future reference.